Our missioN

Support kinship caregivers


Step Up Parents provides financial assistance to kinship caregivers in New Hampshire and Southern Maine who are raising the children of parents with substance use disorder. Even heroes need a hand.


How we help

Funding deserving families

Kinship caregivers are relatives or friends who step up to care for, nurture and protect children who find themselves without a responsible parent or safe place to live. For these caregivers, the most immediate need is often financial. Step Up Parents responds by striving to meet every family’s individual needs, whether it is aid with the cost of daycare, clothing, baby supplies, music lessons, legal fees or a special camp for a struggling child.


Hear from our families

Meet Elle & Barry

When their oldest daughter was no longer able to care for her three young grandchildren due to her struggle with substance abuse disorder, Elle & Barry heroically stepped up. Hear how Step Up Parents was able to offer support.



Resources for kinship caregivers

Find a kinship care support group in New Hampshire.


Explore ways you can feel supported as a kinship hero.

Kinship caregivers apply to have Step Up Parents offer financial aid.

APPLY for aid

Apply to have Step Up Parents provide financial assistance.


Apply for a $1,000 scholarship for post high school education.


A warm thanks

We're grateful for our sponsors!