Make a Donation

Step Up Parents is funded solely by donations.

Gifts in any amount are greatly appreciated and help to support kinship families throughout the State of New Hampshire and Southern Maine.

Please consider joining the Step Up for Heroes Club by becoming a monthly donor.

Monthly donations play a critical role in meeting the needs of kinship families, no matter the season. They provide Step Up Parents with reliable funding and maximize the impact of your support.

Donating a set amount each month helps you give more over time. On average, donors who give monthly contribute 42% more per year than those who give once. A donation of $20 per month - equivalent to the cost of a streaming service subscription - adds up to an annual donation of $240!

  • $10 a month can help purchase food, clothing, or other basic needs for children entering kinship care

  • $25 a month can help a family send a child to camp

  • $50 a month can help a family remain stably housed

Step Up for Heroes Club members will receive a special shout out in our annual report. Your dedication to our mission will be recognized in our annual report by listing you as a Step Up Hero!